Monday, January 22, 2024

Blog Post #1

My Top 5 Sources of Information

Oftentimes when people hear the term "The News", they immediately think of negative, political-based stories on CNN or Fox News. However, with the increasing variety of media, I've found that many people my age intake information through platforms other than news channels. This influx of novel media sources has caused me to be more aware of what information I choose to influence my own beliefs or knowledge. While I have never identified myself as someone who consistently stays up to date on world events, I have still come to put more consideration into any sort of media I consume. My top 5 sources of information are a reflection of how I've worked to diversify my information intake.

#1 People

No, not People the magazine, but real-life people. As a people person, I'm always talking to others and naturally get most of my news from word-of-mouth. This source is the easiest way to incorporate information intake into my daily life as conversations happen no matter what - they aren't planned nor do they prevent me from putting time into other priorities. Exchanging information through people also encourages conversation. Most other sources leave me to make my own unquestioned conclusions, whereas speaking with others allows me to be exposed to different perspectives. This prevents me from being stuck in an Echo Chamber in which the media I consume only reinforces my preconceived opinions.

#2 Instagram

I believe that social media is a powerful tool - something through which people can influence and be influenced all at once. While everyone has a feed that is somewhat curated for them due to Instagram's algorithm, the app still provides opportunities for discussion as people can upload almost anything they want. Whether it's reels or stories, I am still exposed to other opinions when my friends post content on particular subjects. Instagram is also a platform that is familiar to me, making it easy to use and find information. It often serves as a starting point for me when it comes to world news and trending topics. I discover many key moments in politics or pop culture as I'm scrolling. Once a recent event is made known to me through Instagram, I can then conduct deeper research through other platforms such as search engines.

#3 Google

Google is generally the first place I turn to when I intend to conduct in-depth research or when I fall into a hole of curiosity. I love Google because it has information on everything: politics, science, food, celebrities, plants. No matter what I'm interested in looking up, I can always trust Google to give me thousands upon thousands of search results to browse. Similar to the other two sources I mentioned, Google exposes me to several different viewpoints because of these search results. Another useful aspect of this platform is how it can direct users to other sources. For instance, if I want to access Spotify to listen to a podcast, I can look them up on Google rather than having to download them.

#4 Podcasts

Podcasts make news more digestible to me. Since they are a form of entertainment mixed with information, they are likely to spark my interest and keep my attention more than other sources. Podcasts are perfect for auditory learners or those who are always on the go. They are also a convenient way to promote personal growth as anyone can play a podcast while washing dishes or working out. In these cases, podcasts are beneficial alternatives to listening to music or conducting tasks in silence because they're actually teaching something. While there are podcasts of every genre, I prefer ones on subjects like health, productivity, or business. One of my favorite podcasts is On Purpose with Jay Shetty. It's a series of conversations that offer insight into mental well-being and an overall healthy lifestyle.

#5 The Wall Street Journal

At the start of this semester, one of my professors encouraged us students to subscribe to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). He mentioned that it only costs 50 cents per week, so I figured such a small investment would be worth trying the platform out. As someone who doesn't keep up with recent events, subscribing to the WSJ has helped me ease into becoming a better-informed citizen. After browsing the website and app, I have learned more about topics such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Oscar nominations, and the upcoming Presidential Election. The WSJ is notably one of the most unbiased sources as seen on the Media Bias Chart. Along with having only a slight right-side bias, the WSJ reports reliable information with fact-based analysis. Knowing that it's a credible source gives me a sense of reassurance in my choice to obtain information from the WSJ.

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